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How to Make a Raised Cardboard Text Effect in Photoshop

How to Make a Raised Cardboard Text Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop Text Effects

Text effects could be one of the most used resources by designers worldwide, and they can have a wide range of styles, from a simple drop shadow to a chromed effect. But today, we will take text effects a step further and use a texture to create the illusion of a raised cardboard text, and to do this we only need a single cardboard texture, any kind of cardboard texture, since we will use it as a background and build the effect from there.

Step 1

Open your cardboard texture in Photoshop.

Step 2

Go to Layer > New Layer. Name the layer as "Text" and click OK.

Step 3

With the "Text" layer selected, go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.

Step 4

Next, go to Layer > Smart Objects > Edit Contents.

Step 5

In the Smart Object window, type your text using any font you wish. In this case, I will use "Montserrat Bold" at 350 pt.

Step 6

Go to File > Save and then close the Smart Object window.

Step 7

Back in the original file, set the Smart Object layer Fill to 0%.

Step 8

Make 4 copies of the "Text" layer and, just to keep things organized, name the copied layers from 1 to 4.

Step 9

Select the copy #4. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and apply the following settings in the Bevel & Emboss effect.

Step 10

Select the Inner Shadow effect and apply the following settings.

Step 11

Now, select the Drop Shadow effect, apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style window.

Step 12

Select the copy #3. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and apply the following settings in the Bevel & Emboss effect.

Step 13

Select the Gradient Overlay effect and apply the following settings.

Step 14

Now, select the Drop Shadow effect, apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style window.

Step 15

Select the copy #2. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss and apply the following settings in the Bevel & Emboss effect.

Step 16

Select the Inner Shadow effect and apply the following settings.

Step 17

Now, select the Drop Shadow effect, apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style window.

Step 18

Select the copy #1. Go to Layer > Layer Style > Drop Shadow. Apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style window.

Step 19

To finish the effect, select the "Text" layer and go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss. Apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style window.



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