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How to Easily Isolate White Objects on White Backgrounds in Photoshop

How to Easily Isolate White Objects on White Backgrounds in Photoshop

Photoshop Tips & Tricks

Although there are different ways to isolate a white object on a white background in Photoshop (Quick Selection Tool, Color Range, etc) there are times when that white object have areas that are too bright to make use of those traditional tools and part of the object is also selected with the background, even with the new "Object Selection Tool". So today, I will show you a very easy method to isolate white objects from a white background in Photoshop in less than 5 minutes with a technique that only use a copy of your original image and a solid color layer.

Step 1

Open your image in Photoshop.

Step 2

Press Ctrl+J on your keyboard to make a copy of your original image.

Step 3

Click the "Create new fill or adjustment layer" icon in the Layers Panel and from the dropdown menu select "Solid Color".

Step 4

In the Color Picker window, pick any color you want and click OK. In this case I will choose a blue one.

Step 5

In the Layers Panel, set the Color Fill layer blending mode to "Color Burn".

Step 6

Select the "Object Selection Tool" in the Tools Panel and draw a rectangle around your object. This action will select the entire object without the background.

Step 7

With the selection active, hide the Color Fill layer by clicking on the eye icon next to the layer's name.

Step 8

Select the copied object layer and click on the "Add Layer Mask" icon in the Layers Panel.

Step 9

Lastly, simply hide the original Background layer by clicking on the eye icon next to the layer's name and you will see your white object perfectly isolated from the white background and ready to be placed over any other background you like.



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