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How to Easily Make a Plastic Text Effect in Photoshop

How to Easily Make a Plastic Text Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop Text Effects

In Photoshop, changing a normal (and boring) text to something more unique has become a very easy task if we use the powerful Layer Style panel. A wide range of effects can be made using only this panel. And, of course, you can combine layers and effect to make a very unique effect to grab your readers attention. Today, I will show you how quickly and easily you can make a Plastic Text Effect in Photoshop using a Smart Object containing your text, a copy of it, and the Layer Style panel.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and make a new file at any size you want. In this case, I will make mine at 1800 x 1200 px with the background color set to #05162a.

Step 2

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and using any font you want type your text. Here I will be using "Arial Rounded MT Bold" at 375 pt with the color set to #dc891d.

Step 3

With the text layer selected, go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.

Step 4

Press Ctrl+J on your keyboard to duplicate the Smart Object Layer.

Step 5

With the first Smart Object layer selected go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss. Apply the following settings and be sure to select "Rolling Slope - Ascending" in the Gloss Contour thumbnail list.

Step 6

Check the Contour effect. Apply the following settings and be sure to select "Valley - High" in the Gloss Contour thumbnail list.

Step 7

Check the Inner Glow option. Apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style panel.

Step 8

Select the second Smart Object layer and set the Fill to 0% in the Layers Panel.

Step 9

Go to Layer > Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss. Apply the following settings and be sure to select "Ring" in the Gloss Contour thumbnail list.

Step 10

Check the Contour effect. Apply the following settings and be sure to select "Rolling Slope - Ascending" in the Gloss Contour thumbnail list.

Step 11

Lastly, check the Inner Glow option and apply the following settings and click OK in the Layer Style panel.

Step 12

If you want to change your text, simply double click on any of the Smart Object Layer thumbnails.

Step 13

In the new window, change or update your text. Go to File > Save and then close the recently opened window.

Step 14

As you may see, your new text already have the plastic effect we just did thanks to the use of Smart Objects.



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