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How to Make a Warped 3D Text Effect in Illustrator

How to Make a Warped 3D Text Effect in Illustrator

Illustrator 3D Text Effects

When you think about making a 3D Text effect, your first thought might be to make it in Photoshop. But this effect can also be made in Illustrator, and sometimes faster and easier than in Photoshop! Today, I will show you how easily you can make what seems to be a complex 3D Text Effect in Illustrator using nothing but the default tools.

Step 1

Open Illustrator and make a new file at any size you want. In this case I will make mine at 1800 x 1200 px.

Step 2

Select the Type Tool (T) and type your first word. I will simply write "lorem" using the Heavitas font.

Step 3

Now, type your second word apart from the first one. I will type "ipsum" using the Heavitas font.

Step 4

Select the Ellipse Tool (U) and draw a circle in the middle of your artboard.

Step 5

Select the Knife Tool and cut the circle into 2 shapes as shown.

Step 6

Select the bottom part and move it down a bit to make a visible separation between the shapes.

Step 7

Select your first text (in this case "Lorem") and while holding the Shift key on your keyboard select the top part of the cutted shape.

Step 8

Go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Top Object.

Step 9

Now select your second text, hold the Shift key and select the bottom part of your shape.

Step 10

Again, go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Top Object.

Step 11

Go to Select > All, then go to Object > Expand and click OK in the Expand window.

Step 12

With all elements selected go to Object > Group.

Step 13

Go to Edit > Copy and the to Edit > Paste in Place.

Step 14

Go to Object > Transform > Scale. Apply the following settings and click OK.

Step 15

Pick a darker color for the smaller text and go to Object > Arrange > Send to Back.

Step 16

Select all the elements and go to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Apply the following settings and click OK.

Step 17

Lastly, to finish the effect go to Object > Blend > Make.



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