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How to Make a Refracted Effect in Photoshop

How to Make a Refracted Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop Effects

Distortion effects, whether on graphics or text, are a good way to grab the user's attention, especially on backgrounds or main titles. This kind of effect adds depth and dimension, transforming any text or graphic into an eye-catching one. There are many different ways to create this effect in Photoshop, but today, I will show you from scratch how easily you can make this refracted effect to use on any of your text or graphics in Photoshop.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and make a new file at any size you want your refracted effect to be. In this case, I will make mine at 1800 x 1200 px.

Step 2

Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and make a selection from top to bottom of your canvas with any width you want for your refracted effect. Here I will make a selection of aprox. 60px in width.

Step 3

With the selection active, click on the "Create new fill or adjustment layer" icon in the Layers Panel, and from the dropdown menu select "Gradient".

Step 4

Select the Black to White default gradient, set the angle to 0º and click OK.

Step 5

Duplicate the Gradient layer and move it to the right until is side by side with the first one as shown.

Step 6

Repeat this step until you complete the whole width of the artboard.

Step 7

Save the file on your computer as "Refracted Distortion.psd" and close it.

Step 8

Open the image you want to use to apply the refracted effect. In this case, I will use a simple number to better show you how the effect works, but you are free to use any image you want.

Step 9

Go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.

Step 10

Go to Filter > Filter Gallery. Open the "Distort" effects and select the "Glass" effect.

Step 11

Click on the "Load Texture" icon and select "Load Texture".

Step 12

Locate the saved "Refracted Distortion.psd" file on your computer and click the "Open" button.

Step 13

Lastly, apply the following settings on the Glass effect and click OK.

A Final Tip

Now that you know how to easily make a refraction effect in Photoshop, you may use any values you want for the Distortion, Smoothness and scale on the Glass window settings to get a whole different refraction effect like in the examples below.



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