Photoshop Gradients
Making a shape and adding a gradient in Photoshop is quite an easy task. But while traditional gradients can be visually appealing, designers are constantly seeking innovative ways to push boundaries and create striking compositions. By adding noise (and a blur effect) to a shape, you can easily create noisy shaped gradients. Using this technique transmits complexity, texture, and a hint of randomness into your designs, resulting in an eye-catching visual feast that captivates the viewer's attention. Today, I will show you how easy (and quick) it is to make your own noisy shaped gradients in Photoshop.
Open Photoshop and make a new file at any size you want. In this case, I will make mine at 1600 x 1200 px using #f1f1f1 as the background color.
With the Pen Tool (P) or using any other method you prefer, draw any kind of abstract shape in a new layer.
Go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.
Go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Apply the following settings and click OK.
Go to Layer > New > Layer. Name this layer as "Gradient" and click OK.
Select the Brush Tool (B) and using any colors you want, paint any kind of different color shapes until you cover the whole artboard.
With the "Gradient" layer selected, go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object.
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Blur Radius to about 60 pixels and click OK.
Press Ctrl+J on your keyboard to make a copy of the Gradient layer, and rename the layer to "Gradient Background".
Go to Layer > Arrange > Send to Back.
In the Layers Panel, set the blending mode to "Hard Light" and decrease the Fill to about 25%.
Select the "Gradient" layer and go to Layer > Create Clipping Mask.
If you want to make the gradient even more noisy, go to Layer > New > Layer. Name this layer as "Noise" and click OK.
Go to Edit > Fill. Select the following options and click OK.
Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Apply the following settings and click OK.
Now simply change the layer blend mode to "Overlay" in the Layers Panel.
Lastly, and if you want to soften a bit the shape edges, select the Shape layer and go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set the Radius to about 4 pixels and click OK.
By converting both the Shape and the Gradient to a Smart Object, you gain the flexibility to effortlessly modify the shape and gradient colors by simply editing the smart object. This means you can make adjustments to the shape and colors, and the effect will be instantly applied without having to repeat the entire process again.