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Easily Make a Blob Pattern in Illustrator

Easily Make a Blob Pattern in Illustrator

Illustrator Patterns

Designers often use patterns as a valuable asset to fill large areas of a design, whether it's on a backdrop or as a texture overlay on various elements. However, crafting even the most basic pattern can set some challenges. Today, I will show you how easily you can create a fully customizable blob pattern in Illustrator, in less than 5 minutes and using only the default Illustrator tools.

Step 1

Open Illustrator and make a new file at any size you want. In this case, I will make mine at 1800 x 1200 px.

Step 2

Select the Rectangle Tool (M). Click once over the artboard and then set the Width and Height to 700 px and click OK.

Step 3

Go to Object > Path > Split into Grid. Apply the following settings and click OK.

Step 4

Select the Shape Builder Tool. Click and drag over 2 consecutive squares to make random rectangles as shown.

Step 5

Select the Direct Selection Tool. In the top toolbar set the Corners Radius to 70 (or the 10% of the value you used for your initial square).

Step 6

Again, select the Shape Builder Tool. Click and drag over the circles and between them to form shapes as shown.

Step 7

Once you finish, go to Window > Appearance. Click on the "Add New Effect" icon and from the dropdown list select Path > Offset Path.

Step 8

Apply the following settings and click OK.

Step 9

Colorize the shapes to your liking.

Step 10

Select all objects and go to Object > Pattern > Make.

Step 11

In the Pattern Options window increase the Width and Height values to the initial square size, which in this case is 700 and click "Done" in the top toolbar.

Step 12

Back on the original artboard, to test the pattern make a rectangle covering the whole artboard.

Step 13

Lastly, with the rectangle selected, go to Window > Swatches and click on the recently made pattern to apply it.



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