Illustrator Text Effects
In Illustrator, just like in Photoshop, there are many different ways to achieve a certain effect depending on the tools you use. This Rainbow text effect is not exception to the rule. There are methods to make this effect that require more time than others and other methods not as precise. Today, I will show you a simple way to make a Rainbow Text Effect in Illustrator to give you control over the position and colors of the effect. And you'll be able to easily update the text without having to make the whole effect again.
Open Illustrator and make a new file at any size you want. In this case, I will set up mine at 1800 x 1200 px.
Select the Type Tool (T) and type your text using any font you want. I will be using "Heavitas" at 300 pt.
With the text selected, go to Window > Symbols. Click on the "New Symbol" icon, give your symbol a name and click OK.
Go to Edit > Copy (we will use this copied element later).
Hold the Alt + Shift keys on your keyboard and drag your text down as shown.
Press Ctrl+D to repeat the last step to have 3 copies of the text evenly spaced.
Select the first symbol and go to Window > Appearance.
Click on the "Add New Fill" icon and set any color that you want.
Select the remaining symbol copies and repeat this process to add a new color for each one.
Select all objects in the artboard and go to Object > Blend > Make.
Now go to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Apply the following settings and click OK.
Now go to Object > Blend > Reverse Front to Back.
Go to Edit > Paste in Front.
Lastly, to avoid those thin black lines around the letters go to Window > Symbols and double click on your symbol.
Select the text, set the Fill to "none" and exit the the Symbol Editing Mode by double clicking anywhere outside the artboard.
If you want to edit the text, go to Window > Symbols. Double click on your symbol to enter on the Symbol Editing Mode, change your text (font or size) and exit the the Symbol Editing Mode by double clicking anywhere outside the artboard. All changes will be reflected on the recently made rainbow text effect.