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Create a Unique Photo Collage for Instagram using Photoshop

Create a Unique Photo Collage for Instagram using Photoshop

Design a custom layout with no limitations

If you want to have complete creative freedom over your photo collage layout, then Photoshop is the way to go. This tutorial will show you how easy it is to create your own unique collage for social media from scratch and even add a title.

Step 1

Start by opening Photoshop and creating a new document. As we are planning on sharing this collage on Instagram, use the dimensions 1080 x 1080 pixels. If you have another intended use for the collage, choose an appropriate size that format. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 2

Use the Rectangle tool to draw the first placeholder shape. I have started with a small square (280 x 280 pixels) which is light grey and aligned to the middle of the canvas. This space will actually be reserved for the text elements, but it is also a good logical starting point. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 3

We can now start to fill the rest of the canvas with other placeholders using slightly different shades of light grey to help differentiate them. This second shape is the same width as the middle square (280 pixels) and the height reaches the top edge of the canvas (400 pixels). Tip: always try to use existing or logical dimensions for an aesthetically pleasing appearance create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 4

The next placeholder is the combined height of the existing 2 shapes (680 pixels), and the width is the same as the height of the last placeholder (400 pixels). create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 5

This placeholder is the same dimensions as the previous shape, except in landscape orientation and aligned to the bottom right edge. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 6

The top left placeholder is the same width (400 pixels) as the top right placeholder, and exactly half of the overall canvas size (540 pixels) create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 7

The final bottom left placeholder is the same dimensions as the last. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 8

Select any one of the placeholder shapes and give them a 6 pixel white stroke aligned to Center. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 9

Copy the layer style and paste it onto all of the other shapes to give them a a white border separating each placeholder. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 10

It can be useful at this stage to name your layers and arrange them in a logical order. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 11

It is now time to place your own images. Drag and drop any image into your document, move it above the placeholder that you want to fill, right click it in the layers window and create a clipping mask. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 12

Repeat this process for all of the placeholders (except the middle one). create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 13

On the middle square, use the Text tool and a nice modern font such as Montserrat to type out a name in Black. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 14

Type out the second name and adjust the font size as necessary. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 15

Type a large ampersand, and align it to the middle of the square. Then set the opacity of the layer to 20% so that it blends into the background. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 16

Edit the middle shape's fill color and use the eye dropper tool to sample a light background color from one of the photographs. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 17

The only thing left to do now is correct the main border around the the whole canvas which is currently only 3 pixels. To do this, use the rectangle tool to draw a large shape that fills the canvas. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 18

Then double click the layer to bring up the Blending Options and set the Fill Opacity to 0. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Step 19

Finally, give the shape a 6 pixel white stroke aligned to Inside. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop

Result & Conclusion

The result is a beautiful, elegant collage that most importantly is unique has been created by you! You have complete freedom over everything from the size of the rectangles to the width of the border and the text used. create a custom collage for instagram with photoshop



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