Create a beautiful Polypaint effect from any image type with a click of the mouse with the Polypaint Photoshop Action. A simple way to give your images an alternative look with a painting feeling mixed with polygons. Using the action is very simple even for new Photoshop users. You just need to open your image, click the play button and (when prompted) brush over the main area of interest of your image, and don't worry, you do not need to be precise with the brushing.
Your download includes the .atn (action) file and the .abr (brush) file, being these all the necessary elements to transform your graphic or photo into an polypaint image.
How to install (brushes):
- Open Photoshop.
- Go to Edit > Presets > Preset Manager.
- From the dropdown select "Brushes" and click on Load, locate the "Medialoot - Polypaint Brushes.abr" file and click Load.
How to install (action):
- Open Photoshop
- In the Actions Panel click on the top right icon and from the dropdown menu select "Load Actions".
- Locate the "Medialoot - Polypaint.atn" file and click on Load.
How to use:
- Open your image. Be sure that is set as the background (if not, go to Layer > New > Background from Layer)
- In the Actions Panel expand the "Medialoot - Polypaint" action container
- Select the "Polypaint" action and click on the play button.
- When prompted, select a rounded brush to paint over the picture area of your interest (you do not need to be precise). When finished, click the play button again in the actions panel.
- Once the action finish the process, you will be able to set the background texture color, apply 5 different color effects and make fine tune adjustments to give your image a perfect look.
Paid License
By purchasing or downloading this item you are agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions laid out in the MediaLoot License Agreement. View the full license >