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3D Text Photoshop Action

3 D Text Photoshop Action Preview 1
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With the 3D Text Photoshop Action, you can easily give any text a 3D Wood or Metal look with a single click of the mouse. The action comes with 3 different types of wood and 3 different types of metal. Using the action is really simple, just create a new file in Photoshop, type your text and run the action. In less than a minute you will have it transformed to a 3D Text with a wood or metal look. Once the action finish, you can adjust the exposure, levels, curves, etc and turn off the background layer to have your new 3D Text in a transparent background and place it over any background you like.

Besides text, you can also use the action with any type of vector or raster shape. Simply place your vector or raster shape in a new layer above the background, and run the action.

How to install (action):

  1. Open Photoshop
  2. In the Actions Panel click on the top right icon and from the dropdown menu select "Load Actions".
  3. Locate the "Medialoot - 3D Text.atn" file and click on Load.

How to install (pattern):

  1. Open Photoshop.
  2. Go to Edit > Presets > Preset Manager.
  3. From the dropdown select "Patterns" and click on Load.
  4. Locate the "Medialoot - 3D Text Patterns.pat" file and click Load.

How to use:

  1. Open Photoshop and make a new file.
  2. In a new layer, type your text, draw your shape or place your raster image (be sure to have only 1 layer above the background)
  3. Select any of the 3D Text Actions and click on the play button.

Notes (for a perfect end result):

  • Use semi-bold / bold fonts with a minimum size of 500px in height.
  • If you have more than 1 layer above the Background layer, merge those layers in a single one, (but leave the Background layer) and then run any of the 3D Text Actions.

Paid License

By purchasing or downloading this item you are agreeing to abide by all terms and conditions laid out in the MediaLoot License Agreement. View the full license >


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