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Quick Tip: How to Work With Vector Icons in GIMP

Quick Tip: How to Work With Vector Icons in GIMP

Here at Medialoot we strive to save time for designers, developers and entrepreneurs. But we also understand that not everyone is using Adobe, so we also want to help you save money. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through how to work with our Vector Icons in GIMP, a free design program used by many.

vector icon sets with an SVG file type and download GIMP.

Step 1: Open the resource in Gimp and locate the icon you wish to use

Download the Medialoot SVG icon resource and unzip it on your desktop. Then, open GIMP and create a new document with a transparent background. I'm creating the document at 500x500px since that's the size I want my final project to be. svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Now we're going to import the SVG paths. In the Layers Dialog, click on the Paths tab, then click on the Configure This Tab arrow on the right. Hover over Paths Menu, then click on “Import Path...”. Locate the Medialoot SVG file that you extracted in the beginning and open it. svg vector icon tutorial in gimp svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Within the Layers/Paths dialog box, find the icon you wish to use by clicking the box to the left of each path until you find it. The various paths will show up and hide when you click on the eye icon. svg vector icon tutorial in gimp

Step 2: Resize and fill your icon

Once you've found the icon you wish to use in the Paths panel, you can now resize the icon. First we'll move the path to the center of the document. Do this by clicking on the desired path in the Layers dialog and then choose the Move tool (keyboard shortcut is M). Before you try to move the path, make sure to choose the move Path and Move the Active Path in the Tool Options Panel. svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Then click and drag the icon to the center of your document. Now you can resize the icon path. First click on the Scale Tool (SHIFT + T) and in the Tool Options Panel, choose to Transform the Path. Also choose to Keep Aspect so the icon doesn't get stretched, or click on the lock icon to lock the aspect ratio. svg vector icon tutorial in gimp In the window, resize the icon by clicking and dragging out at the diagonals until it's at the desired size. Then click the Scale button. Finally, we'll fill the icon. First choose your desired color in the Color Palette. Then select the Path. You can do this by clicking the Path to Selection icon on the Layers dialog or by going to Select --> From Path (SHIFT+V) svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Now, fill the icon with the shortcut CTRL/CMD + , svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Finally you can deselect the path with the shortcut CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + A.

Step 3: Export The Icon

Export the icon by going to File → Export or by typing CTRL/CMD + E. Name your File and choose its saved destination. Expand the Select File Type (by extension) and scroll down until you see PNG (or whatever file type you are looking for). svg vector icon tutorial in gimp Click Export and then click Export again. You're all done!

The Video Tutorial: How to Resize and Export Vector Icons (SVG) in GIMP

There you have it! You can now manipulate and export SVG's in GIMP. Want to know how to do something else in GIMP? Comment below.



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