Company Logo

Project Design Brief

Client Questionnaire

Your Name

Your Company Name

Your Email Address

About Your Company

1.Tell us a little bit about your company

2.Who is your target audience?

3.Who are your competitors?

4.What is the goal of this website?

5.Do you have an existing website?

If yes, please enter the full URL below:

Design Style Preference

6.What is your color scheme preference?

7.What is your font usage preference?

8.What is your design complexity preference?

Websites can range from very minimalist, to very detailed and complex designs. Please tick your preference below:

9.What look and feel do you want your website to have?

Please tick the words and phrases which you think are appropriate to your design preferences

10.Do you have any existing branding materials to share with us?

This could be your logo, or other designs such as stationery, brochures etc.

Design Examples

11.Which existing websites do you particularly admire and why?

Please list 3 existing websites that you like, and what you think works well on them:

12.Which existing websites do you NOT like, and why?

Please list 3 existing websites that you don't like, and what you don't like about them:

Additional Information

13.Please use this section for any additional comments you would like to us to note:

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this questionnaire. We are now one big step closer to building you the website that looks and feels exactly how you want, and meets your businesses needs!

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